North Side Spokane Urgent Care: Preventing Food-Borne Illnesses

People flock to the Spokane Farmers’ Market in search of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and other produce. Joining them could be a lot of fun as you get to bring home high quality goods, as well as talk to local farms and vendors and contribute to their livelihood. One thing to remember though when shopping at a Farmers’ Market is to ensure safety of the products you buy. North Side Spokane urgent care providers recommend proper handling of the goods before, during, and after preparing them for a meal.

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How to Avoid Falls and Injuries at the Dishman Hills Natural Area

While you are enjoying nature and hiking along the trails of the Dishman Hills Natural Area on Spokane’s north side, it is important to keep safety in mind. Although the park’s staff carefully maintains the trails, weather conditions and other unexpected issues might cause you to experience an injury during your walk or hike.
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