Urgent Care Center Gives Tips on How to Prevent Falls When Decorating

With Christmas right around the corner, decorations begin to go up and so does the risk of sustaining a fall when decorating. Each year, millions of Americans get their homes ready to celebrate the holiday season, but many don’t take the necessary precautions and end up in a walk in clinic in North Side Spokane.

Here is some helpful advice that can help you prevent fall-related injuries this holiday season.

Christmas Tree

Use the ladder correctly

The majority of falls that occur when decorating are from climbing ladders, which is why it’s important to learn about ladder safety practices. It is recommended that you always select the appropriate ladder for the job. If you’re going to put decorations on the roof, make sure that the ladder is at least 3 feet higher so you can easily get off and on the roof.

Also, be sure to inspect the ladder before use. Never use tables, chairs or other types of furniture as a substitute for ladders as these are not as stable. Remember to also use the three-point-of-contact climb, which requires you to keep both hands and one foot or both feet and one hand on the ladder during ascent and descent.

Work in safe weather

Unfortunately, the winter months make for slippery surfaces due to the thawing of snow and ice, thus increasing the risk of sustaining a fall-related injury. Therefore, check the weather report to plan your decorating efforts for a day that offers the best weather conditions; i.e., light wind and clear skies.

Identify and remove trip hazards

Tripping over holiday-related objects is also very common during the holidays, which is why you should perform an inspection of your home to identify the items that could cause a fall. These include: extension cords, tree skirts, gifts and any other low-hanging objects. Make sure extension cords are bundled up or secured to the side of walkways and remember to place gifts in such a way that they don’t stick out under the tree.

These tips will help you get through your holiday decorating chores without any incident. Should an accident occur, it is advised to visit a North Side Spokane urgent care center right away, like U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group. Urgent care professionals can assess your condition, perform tests and treat injuries such as minor cuts and wounds, and strains and sprains.

Fall-Related Injuries During the Holiday Season, Cdc.gov
Falls from Ladders a Major Injury Risk as Holiday Season Approaches. Beckerlaw.com