Ways to Avoid Fire Risks on Thanksgiving as Told by Urgent Care Pros

Incidences of fire become more common during Thanksgiving with families cooking and preparing for the much-awaited dinner. If you’re hosting the party, it’s likely that you will spend most of your day in the kitchen. This means that you might be exposed to risks such as burns and fires that could force you to visit an urgent care clinic in North Side Spokane.

You’re not the only person in danger when a fire breaks out. Your guests, and even your neighbors, might be hurt as well. That’s why you need to do all the precautionary measures to reduce the risk of fire.

avoid fire risks

Avoid Leaving Anything Unattended

Stovetops and ranges are one of the most common sources of fire. Never turn on your stove and then leave, even if you’re sure that you won’t forget about the boiling water or simmering pan. Turn it off before attending to other matters or have someone watch it for you.

Also, when the burners are on, make sure to turn pot handles away from you. Don’t leave pot holders, kitchen towels, and other flammable materials lying near the stove as they might catch fire. Finally, avoid wearing scarves, shawls, or shirts with long sleeves when cooking.

Clean Your Oven

A dirty oven is more prone to fires. Clean it a day or two before Thanksgiving so it’s safe to use. Keep a close watch on the turkey or roasted veggies that you’re cooking in the oven. If you’re a forgetful person, set the timer every 30 minutes so that you can check on what you’re cooking.

Childproof the Kitchen

Don’t leave matches or knives lying around the house to avoid children picking them up. Hot food and liquids may also spill and cause burns, so keep them out of reach. Verify that there are no cords that could trip people and make the kitchen off-limits to kids.

Make Sure Safety Tools Are Functioning

Smoke detectors should be running properly at all times. Prior to the holiday, replace the batteries and repair any damages. It will also help if there’s a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Place it somewhere that’s easily accessible.

Fires can cause serious injuries. Don’t take them for granted and be prepared for such a situation. This way, you can save a trip to a walk in clinic in North Side Spokane, such as U.S. HealthWorks, and enjoy a safe Thanksgiving with your friends and family.

5 Fire Safety Tips for Thanksgiving Cooks, eatdrinkbetter.com
5 Fire-Safety Tips to Keep in Mind This Thanksgiving, abcnews.go.com