Urgent Care Center Gives Tips on How to Prevent Falls When Decorating

With Christmas right around the corner, decorations begin to go up and so does the risk of sustaining a fall when decorating. Each year, millions of Americans get their homes ready to celebrate the holiday season, but many don’t take the necessary precautions and end up in a walk in clinic in North Side Spokane.

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Ways to Avoid Fire Risks on Thanksgiving as Told by Urgent Care Pros

Incidences of fire become more common during Thanksgiving with families cooking and preparing for the much-awaited dinner. If you’re hosting the party, it’s likely that you will spend most of your day in the kitchen. This means that you might be exposed to risks such as burns and fires that could force you to visit an urgent care clinic in North Side Spokane. Continue reading

A Quick Guide to Safe Fall Yard Cleanup, Sans an Urgent Care Moment

Brace yourself for a rain of leaves this coming fall. Sure, there is a lot to love about this season–cooler weather and that autumn feel–but cleaning your yard may pose some bodily risk. Raking large amounts of leaves is no easy task. It is a strenuous activity that could cause injuries, some justifying a trip to a walk-in clinic in North Side Spokane.

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North Side Spokane Urgent Care: Preventing Food-Borne Illnesses

People flock to the Spokane Farmers’ Market in search of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and other produce. Joining them could be a lot of fun as you get to bring home high quality goods, as well as talk to local farms and vendors and contribute to their livelihood. One thing to remember though when shopping at a Farmers’ Market is to ensure safety of the products you buy. North Side Spokane urgent care providers recommend proper handling of the goods before, during, and after preparing them for a meal.

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How to Avoid Falls and Injuries at the Dishman Hills Natural Area

While you are enjoying nature and hiking along the trails of the Dishman Hills Natural Area on Spokane’s north side, it is important to keep safety in mind. Although the park’s staff carefully maintains the trails, weather conditions and other unexpected issues might cause you to experience an injury during your walk or hike.
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North Side Spokane Urgent Care Urges Safety at Mt. Spokane State Park

Wintertime sports like Nordic skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling are a great way to enjoy the cold weather, get outdoors and have some fun. However, these sports can also be dangerous if you do not use the recommended safety procedures and follow the precautions and warnings posted along the trails. North Side Spokane urgent care providers offer these safety tips to help you avoid serious injuries while on the slopes. Continue reading